I have dedicated allot of studying and research to building this blog site. Hoping to help anyone learn more about Lyme disease, and how to rid your self of this killer disease that has infected more people than aids. Lyme can be a slow crippling disease that will kill you.
Will be adding any new information on Lyme I come across ongoing to this site.
Believe you may have all questions answered on this blog site. If you take the time to look at all the links your questions should be answered.
My Daughter and I both had Lyme in the past, I discovered how to kill Lyme through lots of research. We both healed ourselves completely.
I would be open to show any one what we did if interested, see contact E-mail below.
Best of health to You and Loved Ones...
The Herb Guy!
There is lots of very important information in this blog so scroll down and happy reading.
Very Important Movie to Watch about Lyme Disease
____________________________________________ Nobel Prize winner Lida Mattman short version Video on Lyme Disease |
You Tube Vids to learn important facts about Lyme Disease .
Lyme Disease Symptoms
You Tube Vid to see the proper tick removal.
My Daughter contracted Lyme Disease from a wood tick that was removed from the top of her head. The Doctor removed the tick by placing alcohol soaked cotton ball on it and it backed out of the scalp. This is not the proper procedure for removing a tick of any kind. Placing any kind of irritant or heat on a tick will make it puke its stomach contents into the blood stream thus for sure infecting you. See the above vids on proper tick removal, also a tick maybe embedded for over 24 hours or more and not infect you so proper removal is very important.
Bulls Eye Rash Tick Bite
Click on this Video to see Borrelia Burgdorferi Pathogen's
Dr. Allan McDonald's Lyme Disease Research Video
Borrelia Burgdorferi"(Bb) Pathogens Below
Less than 15% of people that actually have Lyme that are tested through the medical society tested positive, in relation to there low standards of screening for Lyme Disease.
Borrelia Burgdorfer or Syphilis Zoomed In
Ya! so what is the % here in Canada with our low standard of Lyme Disease testing ???
NOW! Let me ask you this question... Would you believe your Doctor here in Canada if he said to you that your test for Lyme Disease was negative, and that you had nothing to be worried about ???
One of my friends tested for Lyme's Disease in Alberta, Canada, through the hospital. They took blood samples and sent them away to be tested. They came back negative for having Lyme Disease Pathogens.
He found a private testing facility in the USA (listed below) that specializes in Lyme blood testing. He had his blood samples sent to them and they tested Positive for Borrelia Burgdorferi, (Lyme Disease) the killer one that looks like Syphilis, that is antibiotic resistant and is being misdiagnosed allot by doctors as Syphilis.
Hey this is a new strain of Borrelia Burgdorferi is antibiotic resistant, that is crippling and killing thousands of people today every where!!! The common old Syphilis pathogen has approx. 30 to 40 strands of DNA.
This NEW strain of Borrelia Burgdorferi is very complex in structure, having approx. 131 strands of DNA which is not common. There is lots of controversy that this is a Syphilis pathogen that has been genetically modified on Plumb Island, by Lyme Connecticut.
Remember how Lyme got its name??? from where it first started to show up. Also as you read more below a well known famous pathologist, has been able to find this deadly Borrellia Burgdorferi pathogen in some pretty scary places !?!
The only accurate way of determining if its the Old Syphilis or the New Complex Pathogen, is to check the protein makers the Pathogen leaves in the patients body.
One of the SEVERAL "Stealth Pathogens" of the name labeled Disease "Lyme's" is called "Borrelia Burgdorferi"(Bb) that can be antibiotic resistant. The Bb spirochete is able to burrow into tendon, muscle cells, ligaments, and directly into organs. It is now realized that the disease can mimic... Syphilis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell's Palsy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuritis, psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, chronic fatigue, heart failure, andia, irregular heart rhythms, fibromyalgia, dermatitis, autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma and lupus, eye inflammatory reactions, sudden deafness, SIDS, ADD and hyperactivity, chronic pain and many other conditions.

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Lida H Mattman, PhD, has spent seven decades studying the different forms that bacteria can take. Her contributions to medical science can be summarized best by noting that in 1998 she was nominated for the highest honor attainable in her profession: The Nobel Prize in Medicine. Professor Mattman graduated with a M.S. in Virology from Univ. of Kansas and a Ph.D. in Immunology from Yale. She has taught Immunology, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology, Pathology, and for 35 years worked in these fields at various schools and institutions including Harvard Univ., Howard Hughes Institute, Oakland Univ. and Wayne State Univ. where she is Professor Emeritus. She is currently working for the Nelson Medical Research Institute studying the relationship between spirochetes involved in MS, Lyme disease, and ALS.
Biology professor, Lida Mattman, author of "Stealth Pathogens", has been able to recover live spirochetes of "Borrelia Burgdorferi" from ticks, mosquito's, fleas, mites, semen, urine, blood, and spinal fluid.
"Borrellia Burgdorferi" is so dangerous that it can survive and spread without having a cell wall. Antibiotics kill bacteria by breaking down the cell wall. These antibiotics often prove ineffective against "Borrellia Burgdorferi".
This YouTube Video of Lida Mattman is a must see.
THE "WORLD" is being lied to!!! that you can only contract Lyme from Ticks in certain areas... it is a full blown world wide endemic.
Full version of Lida Mattman on disease a must see to get the facts from Nobel prize winner.
Part 1). This is a very important 3 part video by Dr. McDonald a leading pathologist, with decades of experience identifying blood born disease.
Dr. Harvey and Salvato of the USA estimate that 1 billion persons in the world maybe infected with Lyme's Disease. So! do you believe that you can only get Lyme's Disease from a tick bite. Hey man! they proved that Lyme's Disease can be contracted by body fluids just like "Aids" !!!
Education Link for Medical Professional a must read for any one person Click this link:
Dr. Jim Howenstein proved in HIS lab that the Herb "Samento" does kill "Borrellia Burgdorferi" and the other pathogen's labeled as "Lyme's Disease". You have to continue this herb for long periods of time because of the ability of the "Borrellia Burgdorferi" bacteria Pathogen able to burrow so deep into Organs and cell tissue. The Wild Herb "Sarsaparilla" also kills "Borrelia Burgdorferi". "Sarsaparilla" grows all over North and South America. Check out my blog below on "Sarsaparilla" how to help yourself for the cost of your time effort and fuel. Also go on "You Tube" and type in "The Herb Guy" for detailed vids on identifying "Wild Sarsaparilla" in the wild and how to prepare and use this powerful Lyme disease killer.

Here is a link below to "Dr. James Howenstine's" News Page About How Samento Herb kill Lyme Pathogens (A MUST READ):
Make sure you read "Dr. James Howenstine's"Archive page to learn about many other very important MUST READ HEALTH REPORTS..... Click on this link:
To get tested properly for Lyme, here below is a clip from the web site with relevant information.
You will have to send for free test kits, open test kit read order forms fill in information. Then take everything to your doctor, get him to fill the two blood sample tubes, and send your blood samples.
They will test samples and send your Doctor the results. Cost is $1050.00 US for one test. You can get a 15% discount for two or more family members. Make sure you put each family name on the top of each form and do the same as stated above.
There is rumors that Doctors may say NO!!! to dealing with anything in regards to Lyme testing with their patients.
There is a history of many Doctors, losing their licence, helping people with Lyme disease. Watch the first Video at top of this page of proof of this in the USA.
Wild Sarsaparilla below in Fall is best time to dig the root.
Get the scoop on the wild herb " Sarsaparilla"for Killing Lyme.
"Sarsaparilla" is a very abundant wild herb that is indigenous to North,Central and South America, southern parts of Mexico, also surprisingly it is found in Jamaica. This wild herb is a member of the Ginseng family. The root stock is a big value to one's health and it grows everywhere I hike in Western Canada.
I dig this root up in the late fall and early spring with my two kids and always eager to help lab dog. The roots are more potent in the early spring and late fall but are a big advantage to one's health any time you want to dig them up. This plant is identical in appearance to Ginseng with the exception of berry color. Ginseng has a red color berry and Sarsaparilla has a black color berry. The roots grow horizontally just about 3 to 4 inches below the surface. One root may have many plants growing off a long winding tendril.
My Nephew this last spring set our new record, and dug one continuous root stock that was over 15 feet long. The roots have a pleasant Oder to them and maybe gray, tan brown to orange in color depending on earth soil composition. Sarsaparilla has many health enhancing abilities here are some that I have researched through my 30 plus years of wild plant studies. Remember when digging or picking any kind of herb to only take in random spots, this will ensure healthy regrowth of the herb for future harvest.
Click below to see my Vids on " Wild Sarsaparilla" How to identify, dig the root and how to prepare for use against Lyme Disease:
Identify Early Stage Spring "Wild Sarsaparilla"
Identifying and Digging Wild Sarsaparilla Root
Grinding "Wild Sarsaparilla" Part 1
Grinding "Wild Sarsaparilla" Part 2
Digging Dandelion Roots
How To Grind Dandelion Roots
Dandelion herb nutrition facts
Revered since earlier times, Dandelion herb is one of the most sought-after herbs to enliven our daily meals. Almost all the parts of the plant, leaves, flower tops, and root, are being used either for culinary purpose or as a curative remedy for certain medical conditions.Botanically, it belongs to the family of Asteraceae; of the genus of Taraxacum and known scientifically as Taraxacum officinale. There are many common names for this herb like priest's crown, Irish daisy, monk's head, blowball and lion's tooth.
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Dandelion herb-Taraxacum
Note golden yellow color flower. Photo courtesy: John Tann |
Dandelion leaves. Note succulent, long lion tooth appearance pinnate leaves. |
Herb-dandelion is believed to be originated in the Central Asian region and become naturalized in many parts of the temperate and semi-tropical regions, including Mediterranean. It is a very hardy plant, grows vigorously everywhere in the fields, lawns and meadows. It features long stout taproots from which long-jagged dark-green leaves rise directly from the ground surface in radiating fashion.
Golden yellow color flowers arise at the end of hollow-stalks in late spring to early autumn. Its hollow flower stalks are filled with sweet-scented nectar, attracting bees. Flower-stalks rise straight from the root.
Fully-grown plant reaches about 45 cms in height. Almost all the plant parts exude milky navajo-white color latex from the inured site.
Dandelion root
The root is a stout, fusiform, and fleshy, dark brown externally and white pulp inside somewhat appears like yam. It contains bitter milky latex; more concentrated than in stems and leaves. Roots are generally dug when the plant turns into second year of life. In general, roots are harvested in summer for medicinal purposes or autumn for drying and grinding for coffee.Dandelion herb health benefits
Fresh dandelion greens,
flower tops, and roots contain
valuable constituents that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease
preventing, and health promoting properties.
leaves are very low in calories; providing just 45 calories per 100
g. It is also good source of dietary fiber (provide about 9%
RDA per 100 g). In addition, its latex is a good
laxative. These
active principles in the herb help reduce weight and control
cholesterol levels in the blood.
Dandelion root as well as
other plant parts contains
bitter crystalline compounds Taraxacin,
and an acrid resin,
Taraxacerin. Further, the
root also contains inulin
(not insulin) and levulin.
Together, these compounds are responsible for various therapeutic
properties of the herb.
Fresh dandelion herb
provides 10161
IU of
vitamin-A per 100 g, about 338% of
daily-recommended intake, one of the highest source of
vitamin-A among
culinary herbs. Vitamin
A is an
important fat-soluble vitamin and anti-oxidant, required for
maintaining healthy mucus membranes
and skin and vision.
leaves are packed with numerous health benefiting flavonoids such as
carotene-α, lutein, crypto-xanthin and
zea-xanthn. Consumption of
natural foods
in vitamin-A and flavonoids (carotenes) helps body protect from lung
and oral cavity cancers. Zeaxanthin has photo-filtering functions and
protects retina from UV rays.
The herb is good source
minerals like potassium,
calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium.
Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, which
helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Iron is essential for red
cell production. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the
antioxidant enzyme, superoxide
It is also rich in many
vitamins including folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin
-E and vitamin-C that are essential for optimum health. Vitamin-C is
a powerful natural antioxidant. Dandelion greens provide 58% of
daily-recommended levels of vitamin-C.
is probably the
sources of vitamin
provides about 650% of DRI. Vitamin-K has
potential role in bone mass building by promoting osteotrophic
activity in the bones. It also has established role in the treatment of
disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
This humble backyard herb provides (%of RDA/100g)-
9% of dietary fiber,
19% of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine),
20% of Riboflavin,
58% of vitamin C,
338% of vitamin A,
649% of vitamin K,
39% of iron and
19% of calcium. (Note: RDA-Recommended daily allowance)
Principle | Nutrient Value | Percentage of RDA |
Energy | 45 Kcal | 2% |
Carbohydrates | 9.20 g | 7% |
Protein | 2.70 g | 5% |
Total Fat | 0.70 g | 3% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Dietary Fiber | 3.50 g | 9% |
Vitamins | ||
Folates | 27 µg | 7% |
Niacin | 0.806 mg | 5% |
Pantothenic acid | 0.084 mg | 1.5% |
Pyridoxine | 0.251 mg | 19% |
Riboflavin | 0.260 mg | 20% |
Thiamin | 0.190 mg | 17% |
Vitamin A | 10161 IU | 338% |
Vitamin C | 35 mg | 58% |
Vitamin E | 3.44 mg | 23% |
Vitamin K | 778.4 µg | 649% |
Electrolytes | ||
Sodium | 76 mg | 5% |
Potassium | 397 mg | 8% |
Minerals | ||
Calcium | 187 mg | 19% |
Iron | 3.10 mg | 39% |
Magnesium | 36 mg | 9% |
Manganese | 0.342 mg | 15% |
Phosphorus | 66 mg | 9% |
Selenium | 0.5 mg | 1% |
Zinc | 0.41 mg | 4% |
Phyto-nutrients | ||
Carotene-α | 363 µg | -- |
Carotene-β | 5854 µg | -- |
Crypto-xanthin-β | 121 µg | -- |
Lutein-zeaxanthin | 13610 µg | -- |
Selection and storage
fresh dandelion
greens are gathered from the
wild, but the herb is better selected from known
source. Actually, in many parts of the Mediterranean it is
grown as annual crop
by sowing in spring or sometimes as garden herb.
the markets look for fresh, succulent, soft young leaf tops. Fresh
leaves are superior in flavor and rich in many vital vitamins and
anti-oxidants like ß-carotene, vitamin C and folates. Once
home store the greens in plastic bags and store in vegetable
compartment as in spinach,
kale etc.
Preparation and serving methods
and flower tops have been used in cooking. Generally pre-washed greens
are blanched in boiling water for a minute or so and cooled immediately
by plunging into cold water. Blanching reduces bitterness.
Here are some serving tips:
tender shoots, raw or
blanched, used in salads and sandwiches
either alone or in combination with other greens like lettuce, kale,
cabbage, chives, etc.
greens may also used
in soups, stews, juices, and as cooked
leaves as well as
flower parts used to make tonic drinks and herbal dandelion teas.
flowers used in
the preparation of wines, schnapps,
and are favored in Arab baking.
roasted and
grounded roots used to make wonderfully flavorful
dandelion coffee.
Dandelion root is also used in
Medicinal uses
Almost all the parts of dandelion herb found place in various traditional as well in modern medicine.- The principle compounds in the herb have laxative and diuretic functions.
- The plant parts have been used as herbal remedy for liver and gall bladder complaints.
- The herb is also a good tonic, appetite stimulant and is a good remedy for dyspeptic complaints.
- The inside surface of the flower stems used as a smoothening agent for burns and stings (for example in stinging nettle allergy)
"Sarsaparilla" Berries Below & The Plant
Wild Sarsaparilla Plant Below
Sarsaparilla is one of the best blood purifiers there is on earth, it was used in past history to kill all types of V.D., syphilis and many other blood born diseases such as Lyme Disease. As a matter of fact it was the only known killer for syphilis in past history and there was a world wide demand for this herb root stock.
Here is a compiled list of bodily influences of
"Wild Sarsaparilla":
Alliterative, Diuretic, Demulcent, stimulant, Antiscorbutic. Uses in history for rheumatism, gout,skin eruptions, ringworm,internal inflammation, colds, catarrh, fever, antidote for deadly poisons, herpes, gravel, headache, asthma, bladder, warts, ulcers, build muscle mass, weight loss, testorone builder, liver detox, there is more but that's just some for example.
See my video for identification and Digging"Wild Sarsaparilla" By "THE HERB GUY".
Below is Picture of Sarsaparilla in Fall Time
I dry out the roots in a warm dry place uncovered and never dry any herbs in the sun light. UV DESTROYS all the good in your herbs. Dry until the root stock snaps clean with out much bend.
Then get a powerful blender and just put in maybe four pieces no longer than three inches long. Put lid on and hit blend for maybe 20 seconds or less. Dump into large bowl and repeat until all is ground up. Make sure to check your blender temp by touch, if it gets hot give a break to cool down. Then get a piece of window fly screen maybe 1 foot square, hold over another large bowl and pour some of your mixture on and shake gently back and forth.
The coarser woody chop left on fly screen is put in other separate container, then repeat until all is done. The fine powder left is either capitulated or it is better used as a tea. The woody chop is used a a tea also. The fine powder is the more potent of the two. One heaping teaspoons of "Wild Sarsaparilla" powder into one cup of boiling hot water, stir well and cover let steep for 3- 5 min. and drink floaters and all, 3 times a day one hour before meals.
Drink hot or cold. I mix mine with other great tasting tea. Did you know that most all herbs on earth, are hot water soluble, and tea is the best way for your body to absorb a herbs gooooooooood for youuuuuu.
Here is You Tube Vids about general Lyme Disease:
Part1 and Part: 2 Below:
Part 1 Lyme Disease
Part 2 Lyme Disease
Here is a link to my Live blood Testing web site:
66,122 visitors
Go to "YOU TUBE" and type in "THE HERB GUY" and get the edge on healing yourself ( vids) of wild plants and information on Lyme Disease treatment.
Here is You Tube Vids about general Lyme Disease:
Part1 and Part: 2 Below:
Part 1 Lyme Disease
Part 2 Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease and Biowarfare:
A Summary of the Connections
Jerry Leonard
Excerpt from:
Researchers have demonstrated the extensive ties between the CDC’s biodefense unit and the perpetuation of the Lyme Epidemic.[1]
Here is a summary of the connections between the Lyme Epidemic and biowarfare:
Thus, it is not a question whether Lyme is a biowarfare agent. The question is, when was it first investigated as one?
Related questions include:
has been said that the first rule of biowarfare is that a disease agent
is never released by a government unless the government has a cure, to
protect the non-targeted populations. Since Lyme is obviously being
allowed to spread internationally by agents of the American biowarfare
infrastructure, this gives hope that a cure for Lyme disease does indeed
exist, but is being selectively applied (for example, to the
politicians who get Lyme disease).
Thus, further investigation into the biowarfare roots of Lyme disease may reveal this cure. The white-coated, blood-sucking
parasites in the national security infrastructure are clearly not going
to reveal the secrets about the blood sucking, Lyme-infected parasites
they have unleashed on the world. This would open them up to charges of
crimes against humanity. Consequently, Lyme patients must demand answers to these questions
if they are to prevent this epidemic from creating an even greater
public health disaster (including contamination of the blood supply by
the difficult-to-detect disease agent) from which we may never recover.
number of Steere camp Lyme researchers with a background in the
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) and/or biowarfare research is too
numerous to be pure coincidence. Two scientists who have played a
central role in the Lyme story, Barbour and Klempner, have been placed
in charge of new biowar super-labs set up in the aftermath of 9-11,
where they are aided by some of their Steerite colleagues. Others, while
not in charge of super-labs, are nevertheless in receipt of substantial
grants for biowarfare research."
-- Elena Cook, “Lyme Is A Biowarfare Issue” Jerry Leonard
is a Lyme disease victim and author. He has written three books on
unethical medical experiments conducted by the government -- including
experiments involving the systematic injection of tumor cells and monkey
cancer virus in humans so that model forms of cancer could be induced
and maintained in human subjects for vaccine research. For an overview
of Jerry’s work, see: America’s Secret Weapons : http://winstonsmith.net/americas_secret_weapons.htm Contact Jerry at jerryleonard999@yahoo.com .
See Also:
Additional Resources
The source of Lyme disease has been traced to a biological warfare experiment gone out of control through books, films, and television documentaries.
· Lab 257, by Michael Carroll
The Subversion of Modern Medicine Through Treatment Guidelines (or "How To Wage Institutionalized Biowarfare") Part 1: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwWpe9s21nQ4YjMxYzliZTgtOGNlNy00NGU3LWFkMDMtNjgwOGFlY2E2NWNh&hl=en_US Part 2: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwWpe9s21nQ4Y2JlMTVmNTktZWYyYy00ZWY1LThjODItMTNmNTQ4MzBjMzFj&hl=en_US
For a disease that's "hard to catch and easy to cure"--the "party line" of Steere-Camp, government-grant sanctioned "gate-keepers"-- there sure is a lot of high-level interest on the part of the "biowarfare community," including several biowarfare lab directors, who double as Lyme [non-] treatment experts...
The Plague of Plum Island & Lab 257: Fort Detrick's Outdoor Biowar Test Lab
[1] See Elena Cook’s article Elena Cook's "Lyme Is A Biowarfare Issue": http://www.elenacook.org/bwsept06.html
[2] The film-makers for Lyme disease documentary Under Our Skin,
relate the bizarre story of what happened when they tried to interview
Willy Burgdorfer, the biowarfare researcher for whom the Lyme disease
agent is named:
“Just as we began filming, there was a pounding on the door, and we found ourselves facing someone who turned out to be a top researcher at the nearby Rocky Mountain Laboratories, a biolevel-4 NIH research facility. Standing on the porch, our uninvited guest said, “I’ve been told that I need to supervise this interview. This comes from the highest levels. There are things that Willy can’t talk about.” “We were stunned. After all, Dr. Burgdorfer had been retired from the lab since 1986. We were there to talk to a private citizen, about the history of a very public discovery that had put him on the short list for a Nobel Prize. Earlier that year, the NIH had refused our requests to interview any of their Lyme researchers. What was going on? Why would the NIH want to censor information about the fastest growing bug-borne disease in the United States?’ “Lyme discoverer Willy Burgdorfer breaks silence on heated controversy,” http://www.underourskin.com/news/lyme-discoverer-willy-burgdorfer-breaks-silence-heated-controversy
[3] The New York Times
reported that one virus alone has escaped the Plum Island lab environs
at least two times. One was the day before a visit by New York
politicians. A previous escape occurred in 1978, just as the Lyme
epidemic was getting underway:
“The Department of Homeland Security confirmed last week that the highly contagious foot-and-mouth virus had briefly spread within the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in two previously undisclosed incidents earlier this summer. “The first incident, which involved two head of cattle, occurred one day before government officials and visitors came to the island on June 25 to celebrate the laboratory's 50th anniversary. … “In 1978, a foot and mouth outbreak among animals in pens outside the laboratory resulted in new procedures for keeping animals used in research inside the biocontainment area.” John Rather, “Plum Island Reports Disease Outbreak,” New York Times, Aug. 22, 2004.
[4] “When the borrelia telomeres were compared with telomeric sequences of other linear double-stranded DNA replicons, sequence similarities were noted with poxviruses and particularly with the iridovirus agent of African swine fever. The latter virus and a Borrelia sp. share the same tick vector. These findings suggest that the novel linear plasmids of Borrelia originated through a horizontal genetic transfer across kingdoms.” [Did this horizontal genetic transfer have any human assistance?]
J. Hinnebusch and A.G. Barbour, J Bacteriol. November 1991; 173(22): 7233–7239.
[5] The
virus has been identified as one used in real-world biological warfare
exercises against Cuba. “CIA Link to Cuban, Pig Virus Reported,” San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 10, 1977, http://www.maebrussell.com/Health/CIA%20Pig%20Virus.html
[6] As summarized by Mark Sanborne:
“Lyme’s ability to evade detection on routine medical tests, its myriad presentations which can baffle doctors by mimicking 100 different diseases, its amazing abilities to evade the immune system and antibiotic treatment, would make it an attractive choice to bioweaponeers looking for an incapacitating agent. Lyme’s abilities as ‘The Great Imitator’ might mean that an attack could be misinterpreted as simply a rise in the incidence of different, naturally occurring diseases such as autism, MS, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome (M.E.). Borrelia’s inherent ability to swap outer surface proteins, which may also vary widely from strain to strain, would make the production of an effective vaccine extremely difficult. ... Finally, the delay before the appearance of the most incapacitating symptoms would allow plenty of time for an attacker to move away from the scene, as well as preventing people in a contaminated zone from realising they had been infected and seeking treatment.” Mark Sanborne, “The Mystery of Plum Island: Nazis, Ticks and Weapons of Mass Infection” http://www.ww4report.com/node/%201898
[7] In
addition to weapons that could kill quickly, the Pentagon was
interested in weapons that could incapacitate—like Rift Valley Fever.
Michael Carroll relates in his book Lab 257: “Pentagon scientists briefed President Dwight D. Eisenhower on using Rift Valley Fever as a
nonlethal biological weapon that would ‘incapacitate’ the enemy, rather
than kill him. Used correctly, it could deter and demoralize the enemy
and, at the same time, spare buildings and infrastructure from
incendiary bombs. The president approved funding in this new area of
weaponry, calling it a ‘splendid idea.’ Research on incapacitating germ
agents began.”
[8] According to congressional sources on the nature of the MKULTRA research: "Its purpose was to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials."
As described in one study: "The MKULTRA activity is concerned with the research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior." This behavior included discrediting behaviors and the ability to induce mental and physical incapacitation.
Much has been written about the chemical and radiation experiments that
were conducted as part of MKULTRA. Very little has been written about
the infectious disease agents that were developed for mental
It is hard to overestimate the scale of this experimentation, or the
level of participation among the nation’s leading academics and
scientists in the search for mentally incapacitating and controlling
agents. Dr. Collin Ross states:
“The participation of psychiatrists and medical schools in mind-control research was not a matter of a few scattered doctors pursuing questionable lines of investigation. Rather, the mind-control experimentation was systematic, organized and involved many leading psychiatrists and medical schools. The mind-control experiments were interwoven with radiation experiments and research on chemical and biological weapons. They were funded by the CIA, Army, Navy, Air Force and by other agencies including the Public Health Service and the Scottish Rite Foundation. The psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons and other contractors conducting the work were imbedded in a broad network of doctors, and much of the research was published in medical journals. The climate was permissive, supportive and approving of mind-control experimentation.” http://www.wanttoknow.info/bluebird10pg
[11] Actually it was discovered by one of his patients, Joe Dowhan,
who presented Steere with the tick that bit him prior to his
development of Lyme symptoms. Dowhan had even saved the tick, which
turned out to be from the Ixodes Scapularis species. Murray, p. 157.
Barbour wrote of bizarre human experiments for syphilis cures in which
human subjects were infected with borrelia agents after they were
passaged through mice: “When using borreliae for pyrotherapy of neurosyphilis, the authors of this report recommended that no more than 30 to 40 passages in mice be made before inoculation of the strain back into humans.” Alan G. Barbour and Stanley F. Hayes, “Biology of Borrelia Species, Microbiological Reviews,” December 1986, p. 381-400.
[13] H.B. Rees, Jr., M.A. Smith , J.C. Spendklove, R.S. Fraser, T. Fukushima, A.G. Barbour, Jr. and F. J. Schoenfeld, “Epidemiologic and Laboratory Investigations of Bovine Anthrax in Two Utah Counties in 1975,” Public Health Reports, March-April 1977, Vol. 92, No. 2 177.
Ariadna Sadziene, D. Denee Thomas, Virgilio G. Bundoc, Stanley C. Holt
and Alan G. Barbour, “A Flagella-less Mutant of Borrelia burgdorferi,” J. Clin. Invest., Volume 88, July 1991, 82-92.
[15] "The Pacific Southwest Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and
Emerging Infectious Diseases (PSW RCE) was funded in May, 2005 by the
National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The PSW
RCE serves Region IX and is one of ten nationally funded Centers which
support the NIAID Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research
Agenda." http://www.pswrce.uci.edu/index.shtml
From an article on the Pacific-Southwest Regional Center of Excellence
for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research, in Homeland Security News,
quoting Dr. Barbour: “The center’s main objective, he said, is to
provide the science for creating a defense against emerging diseases,
like dengue fever, and potential bioterrorism agents, like the botulism
toxin.” “UCI Awarded $45 Million for Infectious Disease Research, May 13, 2009. http://homelandsecuritynewswire.com/uci-awarded-45-million-infectious-disease-research
[17] Abstract Text: ‘Our
long-term goal is sustainable reduction of the incidence of Lyme
borreliosis (LB). We propose to achieve this safely and inexpensively by
targeting vaccines to the reservoir hosts of the agent Borrelia
burgdorferi. Building upon our proof-of-concept studies and extending
the work's scope to include further definition of the key reservoir
species, we will develop live attenuated vaccines for oral delivery in
the field and initiate controlled vaccine trials at field sites. The
field studies will also inform implementation of a reservoir-targeted
plague vaccine (Project 7.3). This is a multidisciplinary,
multi-institution translational research project. Specific aim 1 is
further development of a vaccine that uses the vaccinia virus backbone
of the commercial rabies vaccine to express OspA of B. burgdorferi and
to (a) administer this to a major reservoir, the white-footed mouse,
Peromyscus leucopus, and (b) evaluate different methods of field
delivery of the vaccine. Contact Principal Investigator: BARBOUR, ALAN G.’ http://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_description.cfm?aid=8260267&icde=0
Quoting Attorney General Richard Blumenthal: “We issued a subpoena to
the IDSA because its guidelines may severely constrict choices and
legitimate diagnosis and treatment options for patients.”
As it turns
out, the IDSA panel was riddled with conflicts of interest as well as
military agents of the CDC’s EIS. This might explain why the panel’s
“voluntary” treatment guidelines were immediately picked up by the CDC’s
website. It may also explain why the board’s increasingly narrow-minded
treatment protocols have been used to target doctors for elimination
because they choose to treat Lyme disease according to the best-known
methods instead of according to the IDSA’s so-called “voluntary guidelines.” EIS doctors also testify at the medical board trials of doctors who treat against EIS-authored guidelines.
“After a planned interim analysis, the … monitoring board recommended
that the studies be discontinued because data from the … patients
indicated that it was highly unlikely that a significant difference in
treatment efficacy between the groups would be observed…” Mark S. Klempner, et al, “Two Controlled Trials of Antibiotic Treatment in Patients with Persistent Symptoms and a History of Lyme Disease,” New England Journal of Medicine,; 345:85-92, July 12, 2001.
Yale personnel worked hand-in-glove with Plum Island on the Rift Valley
Fever virus and also with Fort Detrick on vaccines against this
incapacitating disease agent, even helping conduct human experiments
with them as part of Operation Whitecoat.
An article was put out by the Associated Press mentioning the study of
Lyme disease at a new biowarfare lab at the University of Texas, San
Antonio. The article was quickly retracted and mention of Lyme disease
was scrubbed from the article. Here is the text of the original article:
“A new research lab for bioterrorism opened Monday at the University of
Texas at San Antonio. The $10.6 million Margaret Batts Tobin Laboratory
Building will provide a 22,000-square-foot facility to study such
diseases as anthrax, tularemia, cholera, lyme disease, desert valley fever and other parasitic and fungal diseases.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified these diseases as potential bioterrorism agents.” MSNBC, 11/21/2005. For a comparison of the censored and uncensored articles, see: http://members.iconn.net/~marlae/lyme/featurearticle02.htm
Tina Garcia has reported: “Three well-known researchers, who have
studied Lyme disease for many years, are currently biowarfare lab
directors. Their names are Dr. Alan G. Barbour, Director of the
Pacific-Southwest Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and
Emerging Infectious Diseases at the University of California Irvine, Dr.
Duane J. Gubler, Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute of Tropical
Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the University of Hawaii, and Dr.
Mark S. Klempner, Director of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases
Laboratories at Boston University.” Tina J. Garcia, “Biowarfare Lab
Directors Are Experts on Lyme Disease, a Level II Debilitating
Biological Agent,” Nov. 24, 2010, http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?noframes;read=189403
[23] The borrelia agent that causes Lyme disease was named Borrelia burgdorferi (or Bb)
after Willy Borgderfer and other Rocky Mountain Lab researchers
published the first papers on it. See: Burgdorfer W, Barbour A.G., Hayes
S.F., Benach J.L., Grunwaldt E, and Davis J.P., "Lyme disease-a
tick-borne spirochetosis?," Science, June 18, 1982;216(4552):1317-9.
[24] Burgdorfer forced a relapsing fever borrelia known as B. Latchevi,
found naturally in an argasid tick species known as O. tartakovskyi, to
infect a species of tick known as O. moubata, which had been
transported to the Rocky Mountain lLab from the Congo. Burgdorfer fed
the moubata ticks on mice that had been infected with the borrelia by
the borrelia’s natural host O. tartakovskyi. Serial passage of the
borrelia was carried out by injecting other mice with the blood of the
tick-infected mice. Attempts were then made to infect other lab animals
by allowing the newly infected tick species under study, O. moubata, to
feed on infected mice and then healthy mice and rabbits. It was found
that the moubata tick could be readily infected through diseased animals
but could not pass the infection on to the healthy animals by feeding
on them.
Burgdorfer, W, and Davis, G.E., "Experimental infection of the African relapsing fever tick, Ornithodoros moubata (Murray), with Borrelia latychevi (Sofiev)," J Parasitol. August 1954; 40(4):456-60.
[25] Burgdorfer, W., "On the 'Occult' Infection in Relapsing Fevers," Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot., 1954; 47: 664-667.
[26] "The described feeding technique provides an excellent artifice for experimental infection of Ixodid ticks
with viruses or other pathogens. To a great extent it eliminates the
use of expensive laboratory animals which in the past had to serve as
blood donors for the infection of these arthropods. Because of irregular
feeding habits of the Ixodidae, it is impossible to obtain
uniformly infected ticks for experimental studies, a difficulty which
can be overcome by use of the technique here described. ...This
technique, furthermore, is of great value in studies on the transmission
of disease agents." Willy Burgdorfer, "Artificial Feeding of Ixodid Ticks for Studies on the Transmission of Disease Agents," J Infect Dis. , May-Jun 1957;100(3):212-4.
[27] “The results suggest that B. burgdorferi
in its animal hosts and possibly also in humans causes prolonged
spirochetemias characterized by episodes of alternating high and low
concentrations of spirochetes as reflected by similar percentages of
infected ticks. The long persistence of spirochetes in the peripheral
blood stream and the cyclical form of Lyme borreliosis appear to be related, as in relapsing fevers, to the capacity of B. burgdorferi to undergo antigenic variations.” Willy Burgdorfer,W and T.G. Schwan, "Lyme Borreliosis: A Relapsing Fever-Like Disease?," Scand J Infect Dis Suppl. 1991;77:17-22.
“The causes of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease were
discovered at RML.” Carlotta Grandstaff, "Bush’s War on Terrorism Comes
West," HighCountryNews.org, http://www.hcn.org/servlets/hcn.Article?article_id=13471
[30] Lab 257, Michael Carroll. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060011416/104-7125596-0357513?v=glance&n=283155
[31] “Throughout his career, Dr. Burgdorfer participated in a number of WHO and other health organization-sponsored seminars and congresses. From 1967-1972, he served as associate member on the Rickettsial
Commission of the Armed Forces Epidemiology Board. For several years
(1968-1971) he was also co-project officer of the PL 480-sponsored
Research Project on Rickettsial Zoonoses in Egypt
and adjacent areas, and from 1979 to 1986, he directed the
WHO-sponsored Reference Center for Rickettsial Diseases at RML in
Montana, U.S.A.” Source: Wikipidea.com
[32] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States
Subpages (10):
A Contrived Epidemic Proliferating Out of Control
Allen Steere: Psychopath At Large
Connecting The Dots: Lyme and Biowarfare
Death Panels Are All Too Real
Did Lyme Disease Come From Plum Island?
Gary Wormser: National Security Menace and Traitor to Humanity
Lyme and Biowarfare Connections
Open Letter To State Leaders
The Curious Biowarfare Research History of Willy Burgdorfer, Namesake of Lyme Disease
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Here is a link to my Live blood Testing web site:
66,122 visitors
Go to "YOU TUBE" and type in "THE HERB GUY" and get the edge on healing yourself ( vids) of wild plants and information on Lyme Disease treatment.
If you are interested to subscribing to web link, consisting of 2 separate formulas, that many people used to heal themselves, of Lyme disease and Cancer… E-mail me for more information. kpnoad@gmail.com-------------------------------------------------------
All the best of health to you and your loved ones... God Bless!
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